Not one to let good content go to waste - the following is a portion of the instructions we are working on for the ShipAssist functionality. Routing Guide to follow in part #2.
Feedback is always appreciated.
We are looking for companies to beta test the new parts of our new transportation management software so get in touch if you are interested.
ShipAssist is built to allow flexibility with how your facility’s Shipping Dock information is displayed on your personalized ShipAssist website. You are able to include as much information as you feel is necessary, and in any format. Remember, the idea is to firmly set the ground rules up front for any trucking company coming into your shipping dock – so include any and all information you feel is important. Think of the phone calls and hassles you can avoid by the carriers getting this information in advance!
Click Here for an example of a completed profile.
Here are some recommendations:
You’ll want to include basic information such as Phone, Address, Directions, and Hours.
Most importantly, make sure you include the specific Rules and Regulations at your shipping dock. Here are a few ideas to get you started or click here for an example.
- Are appointments required? Who do they contact for an appointment?
- Upon arrival, drivers must Auto- Check In by texting their load number to xxx-xxxx (*if your facility has eRoutingGuide Auto-Check-In service)
- Is a lumper service required? What is the rate?
- Is a lift-gate required?
- How many hours of wait time should a driver expect before you will approve detention?
- Will a delivery be refused without an Advanced Shipping Notification number?
- Is a pick up or some type of load number required?
- Are drivers allowed on the dock? Are you a shipper load and count (SLC) facility?
- How are OS&D issues handled?
Those points should give you the idea. Once updated, ShipAssist allows you to easily send companies a link to your personalized webpage and require that all carriers and vendors confirm their understanding of the rules and regulations on your ShipAssist website. Your Shipping Department will thank you.
Click Here for an example of a completed profile.
We welcome your questions and feedback: questions@eroutingguide.com
Thank you for choosing ShipAssist. Transportation Management Software can be simple!